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🎥 Subscriber management with the customer portal

Enable customers to manage their billing using the customer portal.

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About this course

In this episode, you'll learn how to enable customers to manage their billing using the customer portal. The customer portal is a feature rich Stripe hosted page where customers can do things like update their card on file, change their subscription, or cancel. You can configure what customers are allowed to do from the settings in your dashboard, or by creating a Customer Portal Configuration using the API. We'll focus on integrating the customer portal.

About this course

In this episode, you'll learn how to enable customers to manage their billing using the customer portal. The customer portal is a feature rich Stripe hosted page where customers can do things like update their card on file, change their subscription, or cancel. You can configure what customers are allowed to do from the settings in your dashboard, or by creating a Customer Portal Configuration using the API. We'll focus on integrating the customer portal.